Published 30 November 2020
for the 100th anniversary year of the birth of Ray Bradbury

Venus Remembered
All Summer in a Day"
by Ray Bradbury
and the inspired sequel
"When the Rain Stops"
by Jason Marchi
"There's life on Venus! See for yourself... in two haunting, spectral stories of cold rain, poisoned jungle, and sickened hearts, penned by Ray Bradbury and Jason Marchi. As refreshing as an out-of-nowhere shower on a sun dazzling day."
– Joe Hill, New York Times Bestselling author of The Fireman, Heart-Shaped Box, and Horns, among others.
“It's no small assignment to follow in the footsteps of a literary giant like Ray Bradbury, but with 'When the Rain Stops,' his sequel to Bradbury's 'All Summer in a Day,' Jason Marchi succeeds admirably. Deftly emulating the poetry, compression, and psychological acuity of the Master from Waukegan, Marchi crafts an extension of young Margot's tragic day which provides redemption for all and a tender pay-it-forward ethos.”
– Paul Di Filippo, author of The Steampunk Trilogy and others.
“Jason Marchi is channeling Ray [Bradbury] in his sequel, with a gentle, humane voice, meticulous and lyrical.”
– Gary Braver, bestselling author of Tunnel Vision, and with NY Times bestselling author Tess Gerritsen, Choose Me.
“Jason Marchi’s lovely story and loving tribute to one of our favorite writers.”
– Greg Bear, author of Darwin’s Radio.

The Island People, thirteen theme-linked stories with a speculative flare, set on Block Island, Rhode Island, a unique and beloved summer resort island. You'll never think about an island in the same way again.
Available in 2026
Ages 13+

Test cover.
Illustration by Ray Bradbury.

Automobilia, first in the SpeKulative Stories Anthology Series. Forty-two short stories and nine poems featuring the automobile as an integral component of the plot. Famous and established authors showcased with new voices, new talents.
Edited by Jason J. Marchi and Jeffrey L. Buford, Jr.
Published, January 2024
Ages 13+
The Worry People
Danny Holcomb is a bright, imaginative 12-year-old with few friends. His parents' love for each other is falling apart before his eyes and ears, and he's losing every measure of a happy childhood. To help cure his loneliness and depression, the kindly old spinster neighbor, Iris Beam, gives Danny a small box of handmade, colorfully dressed, tiny people made of straw. "They're called Worry People," she tells him. "You open the cover of their little home, tell them all your worries, your fears, your troubles, close the cover and go about your day. The Worry People worry about things for you so you don't have to."
But Iris Beam is no ordinary old woman. Her knack for things magical -- like her ability to summon lightning storms and her uncanny talent for predicting future events -- provides the spark that allows the Worry People to bring the scenes of Danny's vivid imagination to life.
Each story herein is born out of Danny's dreams and nightmares as he comes to terms with his parent's divorce, his fear of growing up, and his longing to understand the lives of family, friends, and neighbors who populate this small town located on the fringes of human imagination.
Available in 2026
Ages 10+

The Growing Sweater. Winner of thirteen (13) awards.
For children ages 6-9.
Winner of 14 awards. 1st Place National Federation of Press Women, 2015. Co-1st place in the New England Chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators sponsored contest. Tassy Walden Awards finalist. A Mom's Choice Awards® Silver Recipient. First Runner-Up Eric Hoffer Award 2024, Legacy.
Ode On A Martian Urn. Readable, award-recognized poems that are easy to understand and stick in your mind.
“Those benighted souls who claim that science and the arts are two separate things should read Jason Marchi’s remarkable work.” – Ben Bova author of the Grant Tour Series
Click HERE to read a feature story on the book.
The Legend of Hobbomock: The Sleeping Giant.
A Barnes & Noble recognized regional best-seller.
Winner of three (3) awards. A picture storybook for ages 6-10. Also for adults who love illustrated books and Native American myth & lore. Finalist in the American Association of Publishers (AAP) 2015 REVERE Awards for PRE K-12 Learning. Winner of a Connecticut Press Club Award in 2012. A Mom’s Choice Awards® Silver Recipient in 2014.
The Man in the Black Frock Coat, them-linked stories not for the emotionally timid. For young adults and adult readers who enjoy imaginative Twilight Zone-like stories. Ages 13+.
"Beautifully atmospheric... written for the reader to savor and enjoy."
- William F. Nolan, author of Logan's Run
Available in 2027 Preview HERE
Other Books
Jason contributed research, writing, editorial and/or photographic services for the writers and editors of the following books:

Jason's photography appears in a Bradbury book celebrating the history of the making of the classic film IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE. Edited by Donn Albright. (2004 from Gauntlet.)

The interview Jason conducted with Ray Bradbury for the January 1999 issue of The Hollywood Scriptwriter is reprinted in the book CONVERSATIONS WITH RAY BRADBURY, edited by Steven Aggelis. (2004 from Texas University Press.) To purchase

Jason's scholarly research appears in the outstanding book RAY BRADBURY: THE LIFE OF FICTION. By leading Bradbury scholars Jonathan Eller and William Touponce. (2004 from Kent State University Press.) To purchase
Nominated for a non-fiction Pulitzer and recommended for a National Book Critics Award.

Photographs of magazine covers by Jason also appear in the limited edition re-issue of Ray Bradbury's first book DARK CARNIVAL. Edited by Donn Albright. With an afterword by Clive Barker. (2001 from Gauntlet Publications.)

Researcher, reviewer, and writer of resource appendices and sidebar facts for 16 books in the WELLNESS SERIES (Dushkin Publishing Group, 1992) and the Grolier Encyclopedia Series.

Jason provided research advice to Bradbury biographer, Sam Weller, for the book THE BRADBURY CHRONICLES: THE LIFE OF RAY BRADBURY. (2005, Morrow)