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In May 2010 the Connecticut Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists announced Jason's Person of the Week profile for the East Haven Courier, Al Martone: A Glass Half-Full, as the 2nd Place winner in the community general column division of the Excellence in Journalism Awards. Click HERE to read Al's inspiring story.


As a Christmas present for his 92-year-old grandfather, Daniel Pagcili nominated Grandpa Rudolph "Rudy" Tamburrino as Person of the Week for the East Haven Courier. Read a snippet of Rudy's wonderful life HERE.


This Person of the Week profile for the North Haven Courier, June Pinto: The Joy of Saving At-Risk Kids,  received Honorable Mention in the same category. Click HERE to read.


In May 2009 the Connecticut Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists announced the following feature story in the Waterford Times, Nora & Porter: Big Dog Therapy at York Correctional, as the 2nd Place winner in the community non-daily feature division of the Excellence in Journalism Awards. Click HERE to read the story. York Correctional is the same institution where bestselling author Wally Lamb has taught creative writing to the female inmates.


RJ Julia Booksellers: My Favorite Book Store, from the February 2003 issue of Byline Magazine. Click HERE.


Cover story interview with Ray Bradbury, in the Hollywood Scriptwriter. Click HERE.




Connecticut River Museum Takes Ownership of RiverQuest


Person of the Week Ethan Weiner: Valley Shore YMCA Board President


Chester Forms Committee to Allocate ARPA Funding


Region 4 Schools Now Mask Optional



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